- Basic Semiconductor Physics and Technology (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- The pn Junction (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Power Switching Devices and their Static Electrical Characteristics (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Electrical Ratings and Characteristics of Power Semiconductor Switching Devices (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Cooling of Power Switching Semiconductor Devices (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Load, Switch, and Commutation Considerations (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Driving Transistors and Thyristors (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Protecting Diodes, Transistors, and Thyristors (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Switching-aid Circuits with Energy Recovery (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Series and Parallel Device Operation and Protection (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Naturally Commutating Converters (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- AC Voltage Regulators (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- DC Choppers (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Power Inverters (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Switched-mode and Resonant dc Power Supplies (here for sample of version requiring registration)
- Capacitors
- Soft Magnetic Materials
- Resistors
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